Helping You Grow
Green Goddess Garden Consulting LLC is ready to help you build and plan a foundation in your gardening practices that also nourishes you.
Call or email us today, let’s plan your dream garden space today.
About Green Goddess Garden Consulting
My name is Adeline and I want to help you design or coach you on ideas for growing your garden.
I have been gardening in several different ways since I was 8 years old; in-ground, patio planters, raised beds, all with a focus on not being afraid to try new things!
For the last four years I have been curating my own personal garden space growing fresh food for my family and want to help others in the community find their inner green goddess as well.
My passion and focus on is on kitchen/potager gardens. I love using edible plants as “food scaping” along with companion plantings, herbs and flowers to support pollinators and help detract insects that also like to enjoy the garden.
The days of the front lawn are changing and I embrace watering only for food production purposes!
I also have a bit of chaos gardening that I practice, so if this is something you are not afraid to try let the plants go a little wild.
Services Offered:
one-on-one garden coaching - hourly sessions 2 hour minimum
yard and garden clean/season prep
garden sitting, so you don’t have to worry about leaving on vacation!
designing kitchen gardens to maximize space where you grow
consultation on native plantings
nursery and seed sales!
Rates vary on services and products offered plus 8.7% state and local tax
Nursery plant/seed WA state endorsement
Publications Urban Famer Abstract Art-2012
client review